Women Are Different Than Men: Understanding Hormones and Weight Loss

December 13, 2023
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When it comes to shedding those extra kilos, it can often feel like women are navigating through a complex hormonal maze. While men may see results from simply going on a calorie deficit or hitting the gym., women’s bodies operate differently, placing a significant emphasis on hormonal balance. Understanding the intricate interplay between hormones and weight loss is essential for women aiming to achieve their health and fitness goals.Hormones serve as messengers that signal and coordinate metabolic activities.

Any discussion of metabolism is incomplete without delving into the five key hormones that govern it. Let’s explore these hormones in detail and understand their roles in the weight loss process.


This hormone plays a crucial role in burning fat for fuel. Optimal levels of adiponectin can directly lower blood glucose levels, break down triglycerides, and increase fat burning in the liver and muscle tissue. However, a high-calorie diet rich in processed carbohydrates and unhealthy fats can hinder the body’s ability to produce adiponectin, leading to insulin resistance. To boost adiponectin levels, swap unhealthy fats for healthier options like ghee, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish like salmon.


Produced by the cells of the stomach, ghrelin signals hunger to the brain and promotes fat accumulation by slowing down the breakdown of stored fat. Overproduction of ghrelin, often referred to as the “hunger hormone”, can disrupt appetite regulation and make it challenging to make sensible food choices.


Known as the diabetes hormone, insulin plays a crucial role in regulating blood glucose levels. However, chronic high levels of insulin can lead to inflammation in the body and contribute to insulin resistance, hindering metabolic functions.


Released from fat tissue, leptin sends signals of satiety to the brain, indicating fullness and satisfaction. However, individuals who are obese or tend to overeat may develop leptin resistance, where the body fails to recognize these signals, leading to ongoing feelings of hunger.


Cortisol which is called the “stress hormone” is released by the adrenal glands to help the body cope with stress. High levels of cortisol can lead to elevated blood sugar levels and trigger cravings for sugary and carbohydrate-rich foods, disrupting blood sugar balance.

Managing Hormones and Weight

Optimizing these hormones is the key to supporting healthy weight loss in women. Eating a diet rich in proteins and healthy fats while reducing refined, processed, and sugary foods can help combat insulin resistance and improve metabolic function. Additionally, swapping refined carbohydrates for whole grains and colourful fruits and vegetables can provide essential nutrients and phytonutrients to support hormone balance.

Incorporating mindfulness practices, regular exercise, and prioritizing adequate sleep can also play a crucial role in optimizing hormonal health and promoting sustainable weight loss.

Connect with us to explore the distinctive role hormones play in your weight loss journey and discover effective steps to achieve your health and fitness goals.
